Five Main Structures Of Hair Roots


Five Main Structures Of Hair Roots

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a hair follicle looks like? Or how many types of hair root structures are there? In this blog post, we will be discussing the five main structures of hair roots. We’ll also be exploring each type’s functions and some disorders that can occur when these structures are disrupted.

What Is Hair Root And What Is Its Importance?

Five main structures of hair roots
Five Main Structures Of Hair Roots

The hair root is the part of the hair follicle that extends into the dermis and is embedded in the erector pili muscles. The degree to which hair roots are anchored in the skin varies depending on hair type. Vellus hairs have very shallow roots that are barely embedded in the skin, while terminal hairs have deep roots that are firmly anchored. The depth of the hair root also influences the density of the hair. Hair with shallow roots is typically less dense than hair with deep roots.

Structure Of Roots Of Hair

The hair root is the part of the hair that is embedded in the skin. The five main structures of hair roots are:

-The Cortex:

The cortex is the middle layer of the hair and is made up of living cells and gives the hair its strength and flexibility.

-The Medulla:

The medulla is the innermost layer of the hair and contains air pockets that give the hair its strength.  It is made up of spongy, air-filled cells and helps to insulate the hair.

-The Cuticle:

It is composed of dead cells that have been tightly packed together.  It consists of overlapping scales that protect the inner layers of the hair.

-The Bulb:

The bulb is a sac-like structure at the base of the hair follicle that helps to anchor the hair in place. It contains blood vessels that nourish the growing hair.

-The Hair shaft:

Finally, the shaft is the part of the hair that protrudes from the skin and is visible to the naked eye. The hair root is the part of the hair that is embedded in the skin. It provides anchorage for the growing hair and helps to keep it healthy.
The hair on our heads is much more than just dead cells. It comprises several different structures that work together to give it strength, flexibility, and the ability to grow. These structures can be disrupted by various factors, resulting in multiple disorders.

Some Disorders That Can Occur When These Structures Are Disrupted

The five main structures of hair roots are the cuticle, cortex, medulla, bulb, and shaft.

Each of these structures can be disrupted by a variety of factors, resulting in different disorders.

  • Damage to the cortex

The cortex is the largest and most important structure of hair roots. It contains the keratinocytes, which are cells that produce keratin, the protein that makes up the hair. Damage to the cortex can cause a variety of disorders, including:


This is a condition characterized by hair loss. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including damage to the cortex.

-Trichorrhexis Nodosa:

This is a condition in which the hair shafts are weakened and break easily. It is often caused by damage to the cortex.

-Telogen Effluvium:

This is a condition in which the hair follicles go into a resting phase and stop producing new hairs.


This is a condition in which people have an irresistible urge to pull out their own hair. It can be caused because of damage to the cortex.


This is a condition in which people have excessive body hair. It can be caused by damage to the cortex.

  • Damage to the medulla

It can cause a number of disorders, including:

-Adiscrete triangular alopecia:

This is a condition where the hair loss forms a triangle shape.

-Loose anagen syndrome:

This is a condition where the hair roots are not firmly attached to the scalp.

-Medullary cancer:

This is a rare form of cancer that begins in the medulla.

-Trichorrhexis invaginata:

This is a condition where the hair shafts are weaker and more likely to break.

-Trichorrhexis nodosa:

This is a condition where there are knots in the hair shaft.

  • Damage to the cuticle

  • This can result in split ends. Damage to the cuticle can also cause the hair to become dry and frizzy.
  • Damage To The Bulb

The bulb is at the base of the follicle. It helps to produce new hair cells. And damage to the bulb can cause baldness. If you are experiencing any of these disorders, it is essential to see a doctor or dermatologist so that they can properly diagnose and treat the problem. Left untreated, these disorders can lead to further hair loss and damage.

Some Tips To Protect Hair Root Structure From Damage

To protect these five main structures of hair roots from damage, here are some tips:

Use a mild shampoo and conditioner.

– Avoid using heat on your hair.

-Be gentle when brushing your hair.

– Avoid harsh chemicals on your hair.


The five main structures of hair roots are essential for keeping our hair healthy and looking good. When one of these structures is damaged, it can lead to hair loss. Thankfully, many ways to protect our hair and keep these structures healthy. In this post, we’ve looked at the five main structures of hair roots and how they work. We’ve also shared some tips on how to protect them from damage.

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